Baseball Playoffs and Beer Prices

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Beer and BaseballPhoto by k a t m

Baseball and beer go together like, well, baseball and beer.  With the MLB playoffs now in swing  here is an interesting comparison in beer prices for those teams that made the playoffs.  These are 2009 regular season prices:

New York Yankees – 12 oz    $6.00
Minnesota Twins – 24 oz  $6.50

Los Angeles Angels – 12 oz   $4.50
Boston Red Sox –   12 oz  $7.25

Philadelphia Phillies – 21 oz  $6.75
Colorado Rockies  –  16 oz  $5.50

Los Angeles Dodgers – 12 oz  $4.50
St Louis Cardinals –  16 oz   $7.00

Being a beer lover, I’m a favorite of the lowest cost per ounce. So the ideal World Series would have matched up the Twins at $0.27 per ounce vs.the Phillies at $0.32 per ounce. Unfortunately for beer lovers, the Twins were eliminated (I’m thinking  conspiracy to eliminate cheap beer!) . So the next best matchup would be the Angels, at $0.37 per ounce against the Phillies.

The most expensive matchup of those teams that are still in the playoffs would be the Yankees at $.50 per ounce vs. the Dodgers at $0.37 per ounce.

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