On a recent trip to Total Wine & More, I was happy to see quite a few different beers from The Bruery. It has taken a while to find these in Florida, but I’m glad they are finally here. We ended up buying quite a bit, almost enough to fill the back of the hopsmobile. Blame the large beer purchase on the Batch #69 Double Cream Ale we had consumed a few minutes earlier at the Cigar City Tasting Room. They say you should never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Well I’m here to tell you that you should never go to a beer superstore after drinking a couple of strong beers.
Last night The Beer Goddess and I cracked open a bottle of Mischief (8.5% ABV). From the label ”Belgian Style Hoppy Golden Ale. Not evil, yet not to be trusted, this Golden Ale is effervescent, dry, hoppy, and crisp – you’ll want to keep an eye out.”
Think Belgian ale with a hop kicker. Nothing like a little mischief on a Thursday evening.