The 200th Oktoberfest is underway in Munich , and one of the changes this year is smoking is not allowed inside the large beer tents. Event organizers feared that without the heavy smoke odor the stench of spilled beer would overpower everything. So they have brought in some special microbes to gobble up the large quantities of beer that end up on the floor. The variety being used is called Elbomex (it sounds like something that would also work on Mexican Elbows, not that Mexican elbows have a beer odor!). No word yet on how effective it is in Munich.
This has been a big year for gobbling microbes. First they helped save (at least partially) the Gulf coast by gobbling up huge amounts of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. And now microbe technology is gobbling up spilled beer at Oktoberfest. What will they think of next?
So here it is, Beerliving’s top 5 list for Microbe Inventors to work on:
5. Dust gobbling microbes. Just turn a few loose on your furniture and watch the dust disappear.
4. Tartar and plaque gobbling microbes. No more painful trips to the dentist!
3. Grass Tip microbes. A unique species of microbe that only eat the top third of blades of grass. Say goodby to the weekend lawn mowing.
2. Ear Wax Microbes. No description necessary.
And the number one microbe that needs to be invented:
The Bullshit microbe. Quite effective at election time. Turn a few loose on the candidates and watch them disappear…..