Brewery 4: Ormond Brewing Company, Ormond Beach, FL

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Brewery number four in the Great Florida Brewery Tour of 2015 is the Ormond Brewing Company located in Ormond Beach, FL. Ormond Beach is situated a few miles north of Daytona Beach and is nicknamed the Birthplace of Speed as it’s beaches were the location of multiple land speed records dating back to 1902. Things in Ormond Beach haven’t moved as fast since*.

Ormond Brewing opened in 2013 and is located in the quintessential Florida brewery location of industrial warehouse area. In this case it is on the mainland side of Ormond Beach. The brewery is a bit tricky to find as there are no brewery signs visible along the main road. We passed the entrance a couple of times before turning and after making our way to the back of the warehouse complex we finally saw a banner with an arrow pointing the direction to craft beer.

Ormond Brewing - Hiding behind the fancy door.

Ormond Brewing Company – Hiding behind the fancy door.

Inside the tasting room we had our choice of about 12 different Ormond Brewing beers to choose from. Being a bit of a Belgian head, I went for the Ormond Abbey Ale (6.6%), a Belgian dubbel. I admit this style of beer is one of my all time favorites and this one hit all the right spots.  The Hoppy Girl sitting next to me (aka Jill) tasted my beer and ordered the same thing which really surprised me as she is usually going right for the IPAs. After our Abbey Ales, we went with the Breakfast Brown (6.2%). A Brown beer with tons of coffee flavors. Quite tasty as long as you like the flavor of coffee. Both beers recommended.

Ormond Brewing Abbey Ale

Ormond Brewing Abbey Ale

From what I’ve seen In my travels, Florida craft breweries usually don’t have the most appealing outside seating areas. Most of the time its a patio overlooking the parking lot or the side of the warehouse next door. But not at Ormond Brewing. In fact, I’m nominating them for having the best one I’ve seen. Nice wooden fence and brick pavers with lots of seating. Not to mention the firepit. I can imagine having a few more of the Abbey Ales out there in a nice fall or spring evening. Not sure how it will be in the heat and humidity of the summer, but for now its getting my vote for the best beer garden.

Ormond Brewing Beer Garden

Ormond Brewing Beer Garden Area

* The tasting room doesn’t offer food and when we asked if food trucks stopped by we were told that the city of Ormond Beach doesn’t allow food trucks. Things may have moved fast in Ormond Beach in 1902, but they aren’t moving too fast now.


Ormond  Brewing Company
301 Division Av
Ormond Beach, FL 32174


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