Oktoberfest is here. Well, not necessarily “here”, but it is the season. The Oktoberfest in Munich (the daddy of them all) started on Saturday September 16th. Since I won’t be able to get to Munich, I started looking at some of the local Central Florida breweries to see when they were having their own celebrations. A lot of them have something planned, while others don’t. But even if they don’t have an event planned, I’m sure most will have some Oktoberfest / Marzen / Fest beers in their lineup. Below is the list of the Orlando area breweries and their posted Oktoberfest event date(s).
*This list was compiled on 9/18/23 from the Breweries website and social media pages. This list does not include any non-brewery events, such as the German American Society of Central Florida’s Oktoberfest.
Alestone Brewing https://alestonebrewing.com/ September 23
Bowigens Beer Co https://www.bowigens.com/ No event listed
Brew Theory https://www.brew-theory.com/landing/index No event listed
Brewlando http://www.brewlando.com/ Septmber 22 – 24 & September 29 – October 1
Broken Strings Brewery https://www.brokenstringsbrewery.com/ No event listed
Clermont Brewing https://clermontbrewingcompany.com/ September 16
Community Brewhouse https://www.communitybrewhouse.com/ No event listed
Crooked Can Brewing https://crookedcan.com/ October 21 – 22
Deadwords Brewing https://www.deadwords.com/ No event listed
Dees Brothers Brewery https://deesbrosbrew.com/ September 30
Deviant Wolfe Brewing https://www.deviantwolfebrewing.com/ September 23
Gatlin Hall Brewing https://www.gatlinhallbrewing.com/ October 8
Half Barrel Beer Project https://halfbarrelproject.com/ September 23
Home State Brewing Company https://www.homestatebrew.com/ September 23
Hourglass – District https://hourglassbrewing.com/locations-district/ September 23
Hourglass – Longwood https://hourglassbrewing.com/locations-longwood/ September 23
Ivanhoe Park Brewing https://ivanhoeparkbrewing.com/ No event listed
Little Wekiva Brewery https://littlewekivabrewery.com/ No event listed
Motorworks Brewing – Orlando No event listed
New York Beer Project https://www.nybeerproject.com/locations/orlando No event listed
Orange County Brewers https://www.theocbrewers.com/ October 14
Oveido Brewing https://www.oviedobrewingco.com/ No event listed
Persimmon Hollow Brewing- Lake Eola https://www.persimmonhollowbrewing.com/lake-eola September 16
Ravenous Pig Brewing https://www.theravenouspig.com/brewery October 7
Rockpit Brewing https://rockpitbrewing.com/ No event listed
Sanford Brewing https://www.sanfordbrewing.com/ No event listed
Sideward Brewing https://sidewardbrewing.com/ September 16
Suncreek Brewery https://www.suncreekbrewery.com/ October 7 – 8
Tactical Brewing https://www.tacticalbeer.com/ September 9
Ten10 Brewing https://www.ten10brewingcompany.com/ No event listed
Three Odd Guys Brewing https://www.threeoddguysbrewing.com/ No event listed
Toll Road brewing https://www.tollroadbrewing.com/ October 7
Windermere Brewing https://www.windermerebrewing.com/ No event listed
Wops Hops Brewing https://wopshopsbrewing.com/ None Listed