Year in Beer Challenge # 297: Claymore Scotch Ale

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For my Year in Beer challenge I have done very little writing about the actual beers that I have been drinking. Blame it on laziness. But in a recent bout of non laziness I have decided to change this up a bit now that I’m in the homestretch of the challenge.

Claymore Scotch Ale, from the Great Divide Brewing Company (Denver, CO.) became the 297th different beer to fall victim to my Year in Beer challenge. The brewery writes this about the beer:

“Named for a medieval Scottish sword, Claymore Scotch Ale is our tribute to the legendary “Wee Heavy” beers of Scotland. This malty, deep-ruby beauty features lots of caramel sweetness, a reserved hop profile, and a subtle warming character. Unlike its namesake, this beer only requires one hand, but it’ll still make you feel like nobility.  7.7% ABV”

I have always enjoyed the maltiness of the Scotch Ale style and this one was no exception. The sweetness of the malt along with the hit of the alcohol is quite noticeable. I don’t think I would be grabbing one of these to gulp down after mowing the yard, but I will definitely be having it again. In fact I know I will be having it at least 5 more times (I think I can keep my stash safe from the Beer Goddess as this style is not her favorite)

Purchase Details

This was purchased at an ABC Fine Wine & Spirits store in Lake Mary, FL. The cost was $10.39 (plus tax) for a 6 pack of 12 ounce bottles. The beer was purchased on July 13, 2010.

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